Echo Boy

  • Publisher : Penguin
  • Author : Matt Haig
  • ISBN : 9780552568609
  • MBE Code : 352
  • Number Of Pages : 416
  • Book Cover : Paperback

Original price was: £7.99.Current price is: £5.59. 30% off

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Audrey’s father taught her that to stay human in the modern world, she had to build a moat around herself; a moat of books and music, philosophy and dreams. A moat that makes Audrey different from the echoes: sophisticated, emotionless machines, built to resemble humans and to work for human masters.

Daniel is an echo – but he’s not like the others. He feels a connection with Audrey; a feeling Daniel knows he was never designed to have, and cannot explain. And when Audrey is placed in terrible danger, he’s determined to save her.

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