Machine Gunners

  • Publisher : Macmillan Children's Books
  • Author : Robert Westall
  • ISBN : 9781447284161
  • MBE Code : 355
  • Number Of Pages : 224
  • Book Cover : Paperback

Original price was: £7.99.Current price is: £5.59. 30% off

Availability: 3-5 working days


Chas McGill has the second-best collection of war souvenirs in Garmouth, and he desperately wants it to be the best. When he stumbles across the remains of a German bomber crashed in the woods – its shiny, black machine-gun still intact – he grabs his chance. Soon he’s masterminding his own war effort with dangerous and unexpected results . . .

The Machine Gunners is Robert Westall’s gripping first novel for children set during World War Two and winner of the Carnegie Medal. Now with a brilliant cover look celebrating its fortieth anniversary.

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