My Family and Other Animals

  • Publisher : Penguin
  • Author : Gerald Durrell
  • ISBN : 9780241981696
  • MBE Code : 336
  • Number Of Pages : 320
  • Book Cover : Paperback

Original price was: £9.99.Current price is: £6.99. 30% off

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My Family and Other Animals is the bewitching account of a rare and magical childhood on the island of Corfu by treasured British conservationist Gerald Durrell.

Escaping the ills of the British climate, the Durrell family – acne-ridden Margo, gun-toting Leslie, bookworm Lawrence and budding naturalist Gerry, along with their long-suffering mother and Roger the dog – take off for the island of Corfu.

But the Durrells find that, reluctantly, they must share their various villas with a menagerie of local fauna – among them scorpions, geckos, toads, bats and butterflies.

Recounted with immense humour and charm My Family and Other Animals is a wonderful account of a rare, magical childhood.