My Name Is Leon

  • Publisher : Penguin
  • Author : Kit De Waal
  • ISBN : 9780241973387
  • MBE Code : 519
  • Number Of Pages : 288
  • Book Cover : Paperback

Original price was: £9.99.Current price is: £6.99. 30% off

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It’s 1981, a year of riots and royal weddings. The Dukes of Hazzard is on TV. Curly Wurlys are in the shops. And trying to find a place in it all is nine-year-old Leon. He and his little brother Jake have gone to live with Maureen. They’ve lost one home, but have they found another?Maureen feeds and looks after them. She has wild red hair and mutters swearwords under her breath when she thinks they can’t hear. She claims everything will be okay. But will they ever see their mother again? Who are the couple who secretly visit Jake? Between the street violence and the street parties, Leon must find a way to reunite his family . . .

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