Rat (Super-Readable Rollercoasters)

  • Publisher : Oxford
  • Author : Patrice Lawrence
  • ISBN : 9780198494935
  • MBE Code : 684
  • Number Of Pages : 152
  • Book Cover : Paperback
  • Series : Rollercoasters

Original price was: £8.99.Current price is: £6.29. 30% off

Availability: 3-5 working days


When his mum is sent back to prison, Al knows exactly who’s to blame. Mr Brayker, who lives downstairs, has been making trouble for Al’s mum ever since they moved in, and Al’s determined to get his revenge. Ignoring advice from his gran and sister, Plum, Al takes things into his own hands with a plan that involves the only two creatures he can rely on: his pet rats, Venom and Vulture. But things don’t turn out exactly as he’d imagined… Written by award-winning author, Patrice Lawrence, this is a moving story of community, loneliness, and how you never quite know what’s going on in someone else’s life.

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