Romeo & Juliet

  • Publisher : Scholastic
  • Author : William Shakespeare
  • ISBN : 9781407193274
  • MBE Code : 298
  • Number Of Pages : 160
  • Book Cover : Paperback

Original price was: £6.99.Current price is: £3.50. 50% off

Availability: In stock for next day delivery


This Scholastic Classics edition of Romeo And Juliet is the well-known comedy/tragedy created by Shakespeare. Perfect for every student’s progression through their education in English and enjoyed even more by every Shakespeare enthusiast alike.

“These violent delights have violent ends…”

When Romeo and Juliet meet during a chanced and unexpected encounter, they have no idea on the lies which are ahead. Because, for these star-crossed lovers, belongs to two feuding families, where their love will never be accepted by those around them.

Set within a besieged city, that is plagued by gang warfare, the storyline of Romeo And Juliet mixes comedic aspects with a deep tragedy in what is widely regarded to be Shakespeare’s most successful play that he has ever created.

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