The Truth Of Things

  • Publisher : Barrington Stoke
  • Author : Anthony McGowan
  • ISBN : 9781781128466
  • MBE Code : 692
  • Number Of Pages : 384
  • Book Cover : Paperback

Original price was: £9.99.Current price is: £6.99. 30% off

Availability: 3-5 working days


A stunning collected edition of Anthony McGowan’s critically acclaimed novellas BrockPike and the Carnegie Medal-shortlisted Rook.

Life is pretty tough for Nicky and Kenny. Their mum is gone and their dad has had his troubles. Money is tight and people can be cruel about Kenny’s learning difficulties. But through it all, the brothers stick together, sharing adventures and their love of the natural world, while finding humour in the most difficult of circumstances

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