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The Breadwinner                                               The Crucible

                             Deborah Ellis                                          Arthur Miller
                          Publisher: Oxford                                     Publisher: Penguin
                      ISBN 9780192 787385                                    ISBN 9780141 182551
           Published Price:     £7.99                             Published Price:    £8.99
           Discounted Price:  £5.59                               Discounted Price:  £6.29

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       The Girl of Ink & Stars                                                 The Giver

                     Kiran Millwood Hargrave                                         Lois Lowry
                     Publisher: Chicken House                              Publisher: Harper Collins
                      ISBN 9781910 002742                                   ISBN 9780007 263516
           Published Price:     £7.99                             Published Price:     £7.99
           Discounted Price:  £5.59                               Discounted Price:  £5.59

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                                                                         The Hound of
             The Hate U Give
                                                                    The Baskervilles
                           Angie Thomas                                       Arthur Conan Doyle
                        Publisher: Walker                                    Publisher: Scholastic

                    ISBN 9781406 372151                                     ISBN 9781407 144054
           Published Price:     £8.99                             Published Price:    £5.99
           Discounted Price:  £6.29                               Discounted Price:  £2.99

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          The Hunger Games                                  The Merchant of Venice

                          Suzanne Collins                                     William Shakespeare
                      Publisher:  Scholastic                     Publisher: Oxford School Shakespeare
                     ISBN  9781407 132082                                   ISBN 9780198 328674
           Published Price:     £8.99                             Published Price:    £7.99
           Discounted Price:  £6.29                               Discounted Price:  £5.59

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                  The Outsiders                                                The Ruby
                                                                         In The Smoke
                                                                                   Phillip Pullman
                              S E Hinton                                           Phillip P ullman
                         Publisher: Penguin                                   Publisher: Scholastic
                                                                            ISBN 9781407 191058
                      ISBN 9780141 368887                                   ISBN 9781407 191058
                                                                  Published Price:     £8.99
           Published Price:     £8.99                             P ublished P rice:      £8.99
           Discounted Price:  £6.29                               Discounted P   rice:  £5.39
                                                                  Discounted Price:  £5.39
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