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Year 4 Class Set Texts

            The Iron Man                                           The Abominables

                        Ted Hughes                                                 Eva Ibbotson
                     Publisher: Faber                                        Publisher: Scholastic

                ISBN 9780571 226122                                        ISBN 9780702 306792

     Published Price:    £6.99                                  Published Price:    £7.99

     Discounted Price:  £4.89                                   Discounted Price:  £5.59

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                  The Twits                                     The Butterfly Lion

                         Roald Dahl                                           Michael Morpurgo
                     Publisher: Puffin                                   Publisher: Harper Collins
               ISBN  9780241 578186                                        ISBN 9780008 638559
    Published Price:     £7.99                                 Published Price:     £7.99
    Discounted Price:  £5.59                                   Discounted Price:  £5.59

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                                                                 Loki: A Bad God’s
       Charlotte’s Webb                                      Guide to Being Good

                          E B White                                               Louie Stowell
                     Publisher: Puffin                                    Publisher: Walker Books
                ISBN 9780141 354828                                        ISBN 9781406 399752
     Published Price:     £7.99                                 Published Price:    £7.99
     Discounted Price:  £5.59                                   Discounted Price:  £5.59

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          Charlie and the                                             The Accidental
     Chocolate Factory                                                Prime Minister

                         Roald Dahl                                             Tom McLaughlin
                     Publisher: Puffin                                          Publisher: Oxford
                ISBN 9780241 558324                                        ISBN 9780192 737748

     Published Price:     £7.99                                    Published Price: £7.99

     Discounted Price:  £5.59                                    Discounted Price: £5.59

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