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Year 6 Class Set Texts

        Letters from the

                Lighthouse                                       Darwin’s Dragons

                        Emma Carol                                                Lindsey Galvin
                     Publisher: Faber                                    Publisher: Chicken House

                ISBN 9780571 327584                                         ISBN 9781912 626465

     Published Price:    £7.99                                  Published Price:    £7.99

     Discounted Price:  £5.59                                   Discounted Price:  £5.59

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           The Final Year                                                           Jodie

                    Matt Goodfellow                                               Hilary McKay
                Publisher: Otter-Barry                                 Publisher: Barrington Stoke
               ISBN  9781915 659040                                        ISBN 9781800 902206
    Published Price:     £8.99                                 Published Price:     £7.99
    Discounted Price:  £6.29                                   Discounted Price:  £5.59

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           The Boy at the                                              The Last Bear

      Back of the Class

                       Onjali Q Rauf                                               Hannah Gold
        Publisher: Orion Children’s Books                                 Publisher: Harper Collins
                ISBN 9781510 105010                                        ISBN 9780008 411312
     Published Price:     £7.99                                 Published Price:    £7.99
     Discounted Price:  £5.59                                   Discounted Price:  £5.59

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                                                                             The Girl of
                                                                        Ink and Stars

                           S F Said                                       Kiran Millwood Hargrave
         Publisher: David Fickling Books                                 Publisher: Chicken House
                ISBN 9781788 452915                                        ISBN 9781910 002742

     Published Price:     £7.99                                 Published Price:     £7.99

     Discounted Price:  £5.59                                   Discounted Price:  £5.59

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